My first PureWow moment
Thanks to Cristina Tudina, the San Francisco Editor for PureWow (I've become addicted to this site), I have a lovely feature to share with you.
I won't lie, interviewing with someone who gets my work is so refreshing and just plain cool. She when I read Cristina's closing line, "Each item is one of a kind, so snap one up before we do." I gushed. Thank you, Cristina!
Check out the interview (click the image below) then sign up for PureWow- it's one of those few emails you won't begrudge every time it shows up in your email pile.
** Quick NOTE! Martha Stewart's American Made campaign has been extended to September 22, so please take a moment to register than vote vote vote- you get 6 votes every 24 hours, so I'd appreciate repeated visits to my nomination page. THANKS SO MUCH!