the Plein Heir catalog pp. 7 & 8
[caption id="attachment_9582" align="alignleft" width="442" caption="I created this painting during my personal 'Painting-a-week' challenge earlier this year. I was inspired by some Navajo textiles I saw at the DeYoung Museum and was reminded of the Native American themed airport dolls and jewelry my dad used to bring me from his business trips to Indian Reservations across the country. I see this print becoming a textile pattern to sell by the bold, but for now this big comfy bolster pillow is adds a cheerful bust of oclor for any style room."][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_9581" align="alignleft" width="434" caption="This painting recently sold, but you can still purchase a bolster pillow in this standard or custom size. It's hard to let go of my paintings, but comforting to know I can keep a pillow!"][/caption]
Tomorrow, I'll share the last pages of my Plein Heir catalog with original artworks not yet used for my accessories. Hope you like them and look forward, as much as I do, to seeing how they show up on other pieces.