Week 16: Rooms that Rock for Chemo
This little owl may seem like a strange painting from me, but it's part of a really cool project I worked on this weekend. Here's the scoop:
Founded by Nancy Ballard (on the left contributing her painting talents as well!) Rooms that Rock for Chemo provides hospital oncology centers with colorful uplifting makeovers provided by volunteer interior designers, artists, and all around cool people...
like my friend, Shannon Geis, a talented Decorative Painter , who recruited me, Colin, Vernon, and a few other friends to help her paint a play room for a Children's Cancer Treatment Center makeover at Oakland Childrens Hospital. Shannon rallied everyone from volunteers, maintenance crew, and hospital staff to add their unique touch to the community mural she designed just for this space. She and another fantastic artist, Lynne Rutter, started off the room with the big elements and came back in when everyone was done contributing to bring it all together with detail work and final touches.
I painted the owl she gave me and then took on three magnate paint squares with decorative frames. (I used it on Fresh Coat, so I know this material well- even the roller gets heavy loaded up with metal infused paint!)
In the midst of her own design contributions, Cora Sue Anthony, from HGTV, jumped onto the mural with us too! Thanks, Cora Sue!
I was only there for one day. It's the people who spent the week and weekend on this magnificent makeover, and those who are committed to this incredible organization and oncology centers everywhere who are rocking the world.
Great day. Thank you, Shannon Geis and Rooms that Rock for Chemo!