Week 14: All Chalked Up
It's true, the pattern you see on the wall is more about chalk than paint, but A. the black background is chalkboard paint, so technically I did paint this week. And B. I didn't think you wanted to see more painted jars (see previous post), so really this is for your benefit. ;-)
Anyway, here's the story:
I painted a giant panel of chalkboard paint in my office...
Because I love Dana Tanamachi's work.
Nagging Doubt Pinot Noir from Dana Tanamachi on Vimeo.
And history shows that I like writing in my work too.
I wanted to do something really elaborate and cool... but then I remembered this image I've been saving for a year or so. Everything about this picture inspires me: the colors, mix of styles, shapes... (I don't know anything about this image. If you know who designed this wallpaper, please let me know!)
[caption id="attachment_8241" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="black wallpaper, yellow floral, big flower pattern, big floral pattern, red sofa, coral sofa, victorian sofa, oversize floral print, floral print"][/caption]
So I grabbed this acanthus inspired stencil I designed (about 13 years ago!) and added the curly yellow petals, almost looks like the blossoms are bursting open just in time for spring.
I drew a simple frame and started tracing the stencil with chalk.
And when all was said and done, I had a nice little vignette that I'm enjoying right now as I type this post. Love when that happens; when a bunch of the ideas that have been noodling around in your brain, not only finally see the light, but a bunch of bits and pieces get thrown together in a way you couldn't have planned until that moment.