Making the Makeover- getting it all done
With the painters working away and the shopping basically done, I still have time to do a little more painting myself. You all know I'm a DIY enthusiast. (Heck, I even give my residential clients assignments to get them involved in the creative process of designing personal and beautiful rooms- am I telling the truth, Leila?).
But here's the thing; when you get the help you need for those big gnarly projects (like a two-story entry for example??)...
[caption id="attachment_6459" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="(thank you, Steve!)"][/caption]
it frees you up to tackle those little projects that are really easy to do yourself.
I'd normally have this homeowner painting with me, but I've got her digging through her basement for family heirlooms and taking pictures of her kids for the silhouette project in the dining room.
Here's what I'm tackling to complete the makeover...
We're on the final push now, there are just a few things left to tackle and the rooms will be done- shining in all their glory for you to see. Check back soon!
(Seems other people are getting in on the action- so go to #certaprofoyer if you want to chime in on this project. Do you have questions? Wanna get a free copy of the article about this makeover in CertaPro's Envision magazine? Follow the details on twitter.)