Well, For Art's Sake!
Most of the time I think I know myself pretty well. I mean, I've been with myself my whole life!
But there are moments when a crack in my Universe opens up and a light shines on something I hadn't see before...
When my mom and I went to Denmark and Norway a few years ago, I understood why I'm a decorative painter. I don't know if any members of my family from Scandinavia painted, but seeing the whimsical, stylized artwork all over the two countries made it pretty obvious why I love colorful homes...
and heartwarming art...
Yesterday when my brother sent a catalog my dad compiled of my grandfather's paintings.
My dad's father died when I was a baby, so while we have home movies of him holding me and smiling, I sadly don't remember him. I always knew he was a painter though. A few of his paintings were always on display in our home...
I hung this pale blue frame of my Grandpa's just on it's own for years before finally using it to frame my friend's photo of a fountain at Versailles.
What I didn't know until yesterday was that Grandpa Hunter painted florals- florals! Helloooo! I didn't know that!
Hm, what made me start painting florals a few years ago? I thought I just needed a lighthearted distraction from my serious work...
And why have I been collecting floral paintings?...
Have I been channeling my Grandpa without even knowing it?
I even found some similarity between our sketches...
[caption id="attachment_6072" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My Grandpa love painting cattle, cowboy, and Indian scenes"][/caption]
NOT similar subject mind you, but I did this pencil sketch years ago for a friend's wedding gift having no idea whether I could even sketch this type of thing... if I'd only known it was in my blood. I wouldn't have been so nervous!
Thank you, Brandon, for sending me the catalog! I feel honored and grateful and well- I feel like painting!