My Village People- part 2

For all of you who run your own business, you know this moment:

You want this big project; this amazing client. So, you make the calls, do the sales pitch, negotiate the contract, re-work the bid, even picture yourself doing it... and then you get it- you get the project!

You celebrate!

You feel special! Even a little giddy...

And then it hits you... you've gotta lot of work to do. How will you ever get it done?

Finally, you gather your energy,  your courage and you rally.

Let's do this!!!!

That's exactly what happened when DIY Network called wanting videos of fresh how-to paint projects. But I caught my breathe pretty quickly because I have a fearless posse:

Stephanie Letsinger joined me for an afternoon to help select and gather stuff for styling. Not only is she a designer with a great eye, she's always up for a good laugh. In fact, she chuckled (with me, I'm sure) all the way to our first stop in a massive moving fan with the biggest steering wheel ever. (wish I had a picture- it'd make you chuckle too)

We started at Dream, THE BEST hidden treasure vintage shop in San Mateo where Stacy, the owner, opened her doors wide for me...

...I grabbed lots of things including these super cool accent tables she creates with salvaged aluminum frames and scrap stone.

Then, we headed to Harvest where Kathleen set us up with some new pieces...

Like these cool lamps, this simple side table...

... and the piece de resistance- a ferris wheel- score!

Later, I grabbed a few more things at Willa Home, my other favorite local boutique...

where owner, AnneMarie, carries the best dishware and other unique accessories...

I felt great about the styling stuff. But there were still supplies to gather. You'll see...



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