When DIY Network Comes Calling...

...you pretty much jump, which is exactly what I did...

So, lately I've been knee deep developing, hosting, and producing new painting project videos for the DIY Channel's website (go to DIYNetwork), and I have to say,  I love being in that zone where color and design reign supreme and whether I'm excited and energized or tired and overwhelmed, I know that if I just stay focused on one step at a time, I'll get to the end and enjoy the rewards.

You all know I love decorative painting, color, design... the work I do for television and internet adds even more excitement and fun to that mix! There's just something so cool about coming up with a paint or design idea that I know will empower a homeowner to be creative and try something colorful and THEN figure out how to show that in 4 minutes or less...

No pressure!

Of course, I can't show you the projects just yet- you'll have to wait for the videos to launch. But next week, while I'm in Phildelphia working on a new project for CertaPro Painters (can't wait to tell you about that too!) I'll share some 'behind the scenes' stuff about gathering everything for the shoots and all the 'cooks' you have to have in the kitchen to make this particular kind of 'soup'.

Have a great weekend and check in with me next week!


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