The light blue frame you see here belonged to my grandfather who was an oil painter...
[caption id="attachment_4825" align="aligncenter" width="439" caption="That's my grandfather, Rosel, sitting with my grandma. My dad is standing on the far left. He has two of his dad's paintings, but there are several more divided among the other seven- count 'em- seven siblings"][/caption]
For years I'd hang the frame on the wall then for fun tack a postcard or snapshot in the center or lean a few on the ridge of the woodwork.
Then, one day...
[caption id="attachment_4826" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My friend, Dave Mendez, gave me a photo he took at Versailles. (Dave is one of those rare creative types who can manage a camera, marketing for a multi-million dollar start up, film development, and other creative and business endeavors- all with a smile on his face. He's my idol!)"][/caption]
I ran down to Aedicule Fine Framing (they're the best in the city!) where they framed it for me with a scrap of silver raw silk they had lying around. Love it!
It happened again about six years ago... I was minding my own business at the Alameda Flea market...
...when I saw most perfectly delicate and wondrous mirror frame ever. Treasure! Without negotiating, I paid top dollar and took it home. I used the same method for displaying this open frame but upgraded to larger artwork hung in the center. Like this...
[caption id="attachment_4827" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My super creative, talented, amazing brother, Lane, designed the poster years ago. He's amazing too..."][/caption]
It looks good but I was getting tired of the look. I needed a fresh way to display this gorgeous things.
One day, Bethany Nauert, photographer for Apartment Therapy (among other super cool sites and mags!), contacted me to photograph my home. Yikes! I had a wall in my dining room that needed serious punch and I had this frame and two weeks... hm... maybe something could be happening here...
Stay tuned for more of the story... see you tomorrow!