Hot off the Press; CertaPro launches big new stuff!
I just got back from my 4th annual meeting with amazing client, CertaPro Painters. Past meetings were held in Puerto Rico (thank you, CertaPro!) and Las Vegas, and this year we headed to La Quinta Resort and Spa just outside of Palm Springs, California.
I'm still reveling in the fun of launching our CertaPro Painter Color Studio with Shannon Kaye, a national color theory and consulting training class! So far, it's only open to CertaPro franchisees, but we're looking to expand to customers too. Will keep you posted.
We also launched my video, Because Painting's Personal (my first exec producer gig- thank you very much!), at the national Plenary with oh, 600 people or so in attendance. No pressure!
CertaPro has been a loyal and flexible client and I'm really enjoying getting to know so many entrepreneurial and enthusiastic people. They're a good group and I feel really fortunate to be working with them. Thank you, Adrienne!