La Quinta or Bust


When I heard CertaPro's national meeting was in Southern California I decided to turn a quick flight in/out trip into a long drive zigzag adventure.

Southern California is about a 5 hour drive from my house near San Francisco- and that's just getting over the Grapevine- the Tehachapi and San Emigdio mountain ranges that divide Central and Southern California. Palm Springs is another 2 1/2 hours southwest from there.

Most people complain that the bulk of the drive down straight and flat I-5 is boring, but I love the open space, the subtle changes in color and terrain, and the time to think.

If you pay attention, you drive past some unusual things...

[caption id="attachment_4225" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Wait- is that a guy riding his bike on the freeway over the Grapevine?!"]

some colorful things...

some cool things...

And some random things...


As I descended into the valley, Los Angeles was nearly in sight...

I head into Studio City for a power session with my business coach, Kim. She's the best!

[caption id="attachment_4305" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Kim Kuhteubl is an accomplished producer and writer. She recently launched and coaching services that are changing my life- for the absolute better, of course."][/caption]

then I head over to Hollywood for evening with my friend of 30+ years (aye aye aye), Kristi

[caption id="attachment_4306" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Kristi and I are great traveling and well, eating buddies :-)"][/caption]

The next day I was back on the road heading into Coachella Valley and Palm Springs- at last!

[caption id="attachment_4307" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="fine, I admit it- I did a drive by. I wanted to stop in at the Palm Springs Art Museum but there was not time. I had to get to La Quinta! Isn't it cool though? Next time.. carry on..."][/caption]

A little further down the road...

and there it was- La Quinta and the La Quinta Resort and Spa; a gorgeous historic hideaway built in by Walter Morgan in the 1920's...

and frequented by celebs like Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable...

So beautiful and relaxing- a breezy 84 degrees here in January... but there was no time to dilly dally, I had a color theory presentation to do and then there was the launch of my video! Luckily, the dinners were delicious, the company fun and the service impeccable. For a working visit, I couldn't have asked for more... except maybe just enough time to jump in the pool.

But my work was done so the next day I was heading back. I stopped just before the Grapevine to see my brother, Brandon, and his family

[caption id="attachment_4308" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="#5 came along a few months ago and he's the perfect addition to my brother's adorable family. I love hanging out with them."][/caption]

And the following morning, I was back on I-5 heading home.

[caption id="attachment_4245" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Just when you think your mind can't handle one more straight mile, you take Hwy 152 over Pacheco Pass past the San Luis Reservoir and begin to smell the garlic of Gilroy- ahhh, home stretch!"][/caption]

I'll admit, even though I took the long road to and fro, it was still a little rushed. Whenever I leave, I worry so much about getting back home to work that I forget things like A. I have my computer with me and can do much of my work from anywhere and B. time is for living and enjoying the people around me- why shortcut that?

So next time I vow to stop at more of the museums, hang with my brother a little longer, and get out of my car a lot more! You with me?! Excellent.

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