Benefit of Being Honest
The lines of our personal and professional lives are becoming ever blurred as social media and advertising become more and more integrated into our daily lives. Successful professionals today share personal stories, tweet several times a day (is anyone that interesting?), "like" as many people and businesses as the can, get even more to "like" them, comment on several blogs- thoughtfully and regularly- and plaster their progress daily. All this to build market and brand credibility. Are they really that happy, that busy, that accomplished, that successful all the time?
Even before this madness began, Joe Jackson said it best:
So, when Kim from approached me about an interview for her site, my first thought was like...
But then again...
I'm making room for more- who knew a little paint and rearranging in my house could be so powerful? As Kim and I spoke, the question bubbled up,
"Why am I so resistant to sharing who I really am with people?"
And of course, the answer was immediate,
"Because I feel inadequate".
Coincidence that my biggest insecurity- being single- would come to the forefront in such a public way? (I think not!)Â The truth is, while my friends share news about their weddings, babies, vacations, graduations... I feel I have nothing to share but my work. It feels like I'm either bragging or selling to my friends, and that makes me feel disingenuous- no- inadequate.
Just as quickly as that gut-wrenching realization came up, so did a voice declaring, "Do it! Do the interview! Embrace who you are and where you are- right now!" hm, sound familiar? :-)
So, without further adieu, let me practice what I preach and share with you, exactly where I am in my life right now as told through my interview for Single Woman TV. Thank you Kim!
[caption id="attachment_3030" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My first mural about 14 years ago in San Francisco"][/caption]
In case it wasn't clear (to you or me!), I really do love sharing my passion for art, design, color and life with you. These are my children, for now. And as the personal life goodies come into my life, creativity will be at the root of my happiness. I'm just learning that creating this life is like putting the pieces of a beautiful room or painting together- it takes thought, practice, dedication, courage, play, work, and love, and splash of color. For that, I feel more than adequate. I hope you do too!
1 comment
Shannon, feelings of being “inadequate, not enough” are all a part of the human condition. I did the mother thing and now am alone and redefining “who I want to be”. A great example to me is the life of Jackie Kennedy Onasis who lived so many lifetimes in one. I am getting clear about what works for me now at this stage of my life…I think next year I would love to have a van and travel to fairs and show my creative endeavors and meet the wonderful people who I hear from on the web…yes, that is my dream.