Making Room for Anthem Music
I feel a bit like Casey Kasem from Top 40 and a little like Bob Boilen from All Songs Considered, but what the heck, it's music week and today we're looking at Anthems- songs that pick you up and keep you going when you feel discouraged. What's your Anthem song? Is it the same now as it was back in the day? Does it change to fit the times or new circumstances? If the song still resonates with you, download it today and listen! If not, doesn't it feel good to know you've moved past that song and that time?
I've had a few Anthem songs, but my strongest and longest was Tracy Chapman's She's Got Her Ticket. It's still my fantasy to sing it with her some day. I'd sing in thirds above her just as I've done for 20 somethin' years now... yea, that'd be amazing...
Anyway, here's her song and a few others, some raucous, some solemn, but they all keep me going.
(feel I should say that I've downloaded these videos from YouTube and am in no way profiting, selling, promoting or taking any credit for these groups- just wanted to share some good tunes)