A Plain Room- What Would You Do?

If your room looked like this, What Would You Do?

Wait a minute, does your room look like this? Have you put off bringing the colors and mementos that make you happy into your space? What's the hold up?

I have an assignment for the you: create a quick color, fabric, and art plan for this room and see how thinking about someone else's project can open your mind to what's possible in your own room. You only have the weekend, because sometimes it's also good to just go with your whim and create something without criticism or limitations. Have fun with it and let me know how it goes. There may be a prize in store for a pretty little plan... I'm just sayin'...

Ready, set, Go! Have a great weekend everyone!

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1 comment

First I would start with a beautiful fabric for the bed, pillows and a
mock canopy…I would move the books out of the shelves and put wallpaper and mirrors and treasured objects above the bed. Of course the room needs drapery and the books can go into a custom bookshelf built under the windows…how about side tables and lighting..and let’s get some beautiful soft colors in the room…


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