Yesterday, I met Methuselah. That is, I went hiking in the redwoods and manzanitas of Woodside where Methuselah, a mighty redwood estimated to be 1800 years old, oversees the forest. He is massive, strong, and very much alive despite what he's witnessed over the years- loggers, fire, even the loss of nearly 100 feet of his own majestic height. I saw the old gent years before, but something called for me to visit again. And as I stretched my palms across the fat sinews of his husk, I felt calm, reverent, reassured. It was almost as if he was whispering, "everything will be just fine".
Labor Day is about paying tribute to the American worker and all that we have achieved has industrious people. I don't think you have to swing a hammer to be proud of yourself for the work you do. But I do think you have to see your Labor as one of Love. When I stopped worrying about all I needed to accomplish in a day or regretting all that I haven't accomplished in my life, and saw my work- even the hectic errands and tedious tasks- as steps towards my goal, I began to enjoy the journey. It's okay to get your hands dirty. It's okay to sweat a little. It's okay to ask for help, and it's okay to be happy when you're done. It's also okay to enjoy the labor without getting caught up in the sacrifice and pain of it all. The more I embraced the process, the more my heart opened up and the more I enjoyed the journey of making over my rooms, transforming my business and changing my life. Hearing that message; whether it came from deep inside that beautiful tree or me was all I really needed to hear. The advice and logistics of things will always come when you're quiet and open. And sometimes, you'll just hear something simple like this, "everything will be just fine".
Happy Labor Day, Everyone! Enjoy a little break from your daily grind today and take a little moment to thank yourself for all that you've done so far. You're doing a great job. Keep going!