Lifestyle Colors for your Home
[caption id="attachment_605" align="aligncenter" width="304" caption="This is just one of the color palettes I created for the Bird Watchers collection. Go to and click on BLOG to see more!"][/caption]
My client, CertaPro Painters, is always finding creative cool projects for me. One of the latest is a series of Lifestyle Color Collections pulled from the paint names in the Sherwin-Williams deck. Here's a peak at the BirdWatchers Collection. Go to and click on the BLOG button to see the rest of the colors and a few more Lifestyle Collections.
And pick up the latest issue of CertaPro Painters free magazine, Envision, for my article on the easiest ways to pick the perfect color combo for your home. Click on the cover below for your free copy. And check the back cover to find out how you can get your featured in a future issue!