I started a new Pinterest board a couple of weeks ago.
For me, pillows always have to be comfy; no stiff pads with karate chops in them that elicit panic and horror from Designers should you dare to lean in. It doesn't matter how gorgeous an array of cushions may be, if you they don't look like you can dig in and get cozy, they don't work for me. I believe that every detail, including decorative cushions, can gorgeous form AND function beautifully.
I recently noticed this sweet room on Interior Archive...
Ahhh, the simple complementary color scheme... the gingham curtain panels (always remind me of Sweden)...
and a simple array of plain cushy pillows that you know get leaned on to read at night.
I'd add a touch more texture with delicate 'Lewitt' style line work on the walls or ceiling...
Maybe very lighthanded (pencil?) tromp l'oeil wall paneling, just for a bit more depth and movement. (here, Charley Brown paints Christian Berard inspired wall panels for Paul Wiseman)
But that's just me. The room is well done just as it is...
See more cushions on couches and beds here.