Plein Heir and the San Franciso Chronicle
Doesn't it just make your day to receive a text like this?
Little did I know when Anh-Minh Le contacted me about my 2014 Color Trend Predictions for her San Francisco Chronicle article, that my work and living room would make the Home & Garden cover page. Very Cool.
Even sweeter is the fact that Anh-Minh also co-founder for my favorite, real time, in print, pick it up at a newsstand today magazine, Anthology.
Anh-Minh doesn't know that, with plenty of personal and professional changes in direction in my own life, I've related to her story and championed Anthology for a long time. In an interview with StoryPorter, she said, "There's nothing in the magazine that we don't personally believe in on some level. So, chances are, if you like the magazine, we'd get along great if we ever met or hung out in person."
I have a feeling that's totally true, and look forward to that opportunity some day. We'd have so much to talk about and so many ideas and images to share.
So, to start this year off right, I'd like to recommend the following:
1. Read the SF Chronicle article to get a handle on what to look for this year in interior design
2. See what's new on my relaunched site and keep an eye out for special offers to come
3. If you need encouragement and inspiration, read Anh-Minh's StoryPorter interivew
4. Subscribe to Anthology - you must!
5. Decide what you want for your life and take any steps you can towards that today. Who knew that taking a few snapshots of my latest cabinet would result in such a rewarding exchange and flattering article.