My Blog

When Others Succeed

  I've taken more than a few knocks in my career and life. Haven't we all at this point? One of the best ways I've learned to cheer myself up...

When Others Succeed

  I've taken more than a few knocks in my career and life. Haven't we all at this point? One of the best ways I've learned to cheer myself up...

Styling made easy with 20x200 founder, Jen Bekman

A last minute request came in for a small styling project. I thought, 'I'm not a stylist but I played one on tv..." :-) Seriously, I've never been hired for...

Styling made easy with 20x200 founder, Jen Bekman

A last minute request came in for a small styling project. I thought, 'I'm not a stylist but I played one on tv..." :-) Seriously, I've never been hired for...